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Open Water Swimming
2024 Season Starts on the 25th of April

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Fancy a refreshing dip in some open water on a summers evening?


Why not come and join us for our open water swim evening? This is on Thursday at 6:15pm (NO EARLIER PLEASE) at Longford Fisheries, near Alkmonton.


We enter via the back gate at Longford Fisharies. If you drive along Long Lane from Alkmonton go past the fisheries main gate, past the Rodsley turn on the left and take your next right (not sign posted). The gate is on your right and is a few hundred metres down the lane past the farm. Please close the gate after yourself.  Drive along the track to the cafe. Hope to see there.  You will need to submit the Open Water Declaration Form below before swimming.


The what three word gate location is ///crypt.recount.aunts  This is the back gate, if it takes you to the front gate and it is locked, drive along the lane with the main gate on your right and take your next right turn and follow the lane, the back gate is then on your right a few hundred metres past the farm.


Tow floats and swim hats are mandatory, we will have some there for sale or hire.


Rates - £5 for Full Club Members   £7 for Open Water Members - Contactless Payment on the night.

Latest Test Date - 31/05/2024

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Open Water Declaration Form

As a perquisite to swimming in Longford Fisheries Lake at the designated times, as agreed between the owners and Ashbourne Triathletes, you are required to read and submit your agreement to abide by the strict safety measures detailed below:


  1. I will not enter the water until all safety measures have been put in place and will abide by such safety measures at all times ensuring I swim within the designated area.

  2. I am a competent swimmer, over the age of 18 years and can complete at least a 350m continuous swim. For new or novice open water swimmers, pairing with an experienced open water swimmer is required.

  3. I shall ensure that I have paid the appropriate fee and completed and returned my declaration form for the season, including emergency contact details to the registrar before entering the water.

  4. I will register my name with the registrar on entering and exiting the water by way of wearing a numbered wrist band, to be worn for the duration of the swim and returned to the registrar upon finishing the swim. I will ensure that I enter and exit by the established route.

  5. I shall exit the water when instructed to do so or at the end of the designated swim session

  6. I acknowledge that club officials, registrars and spotters with swim session duties will be identifiable by their hi- visibility vest, and are in place for my safety. I will adhere to the instruction and information they provide at all times in the interest of safety. I accept that a club official, the registrar or spotter have the right to refuse entry to any swimmer.

  7. A brightly coloured swim hat and tow float are compulsory and to be worn at all times whilst in the water.  Wetsuits are compulsory at or below 14 degrees Celsius

  8.  In the event I enter into difficulty during the swim session I shall roll on to my back and signal for rescue by raising either the left or right arm in the air therefore do not enter the water if you are feeling unwell.

  9.  Club officials that are “on-duty”, and providing safety cover may at any time, deploy the Emergency Action Plan or “EAP”. The signal for this emergency is the continuous sounding of an air horn. When you hear this signal you MUST swim toward the nearest bank and exit the water. You must then return to the entry point, being aware of your surroundings until such a time as the Safety Official signals that it is safe to re-enter the water. You must not leave the site whilst this plan is in place to ensure the safety of all swimmers.

  10.  In the event that a swimmer’s attention is required by the club official, the repeated blowing of a whistle will indicate this.

  11.  I agree to take full responsibility for my belongings whilst within the grounds of Longford Fisheries and take away any litter.

  12.  I understand that Longford Fisheries is a working fishery and I will not bring pets.

  13.  I will not block access to the roadway or gateways when parking.

  14.  No children or spectators are allowed around the perimeter to ensure we minimize numbers of people in the area.

  15. It is my responsibility to have the correct insurance to cover against any injuries or losses I may incur whilst on-site or swimming within the grounds of the lake or sounding areas including the car park or entering/exiting the grounds of Longford Fisheries by any means (not checked by the club).

  16. I acknowledge my legal responsibility to not put myself or others at risk due to my own actions or omissions.

  17. I acknowledge that open water swimming is not risk free and take full legal and sole responsibility for undertaking the activity.

  18. I have made myself aware of the symptoms of Weil’s Disease a risk inherent in any open water activity.

  19. I will cover all minor cuts etc with a waterproof plaster. I will not swim if I have any deep or open cuts.

  20. All swimmers must wear a ‘swimming’ (not leisure/ sailing/ surfing) wetsuits. If you wish to swim without a wetsuit this will need to be agreed with the club representative onsite before you enter the water. In this any you must swim with a tow float and the water temperature must be above 14 degrees.

  21. If we are unsure of your wetsuit suitability you will be required to undertake a float test before being allowed to swim. This means you will lie on your back in the water to see if you float. If you don’t then you will not be allowed to swim.

By submitting this, I agree to abide by the safety measures herein and any other local safety requirements issued on the day of the swim. I am fully aware of the dangers of swimming in an open water environment and the fitness levels required and I accept the organisers, landowners and their agents cannot be held responsible for any loss or injury howsoever caused.

By submitting this, I become a member of Ashbourne Triathletes for open water swimming purposes only until September 30th.


This information will be held by Ashbourne Triathletes for the swimming season only and for the purposes of your safety.  This information will not be shared with any other parties, unless it is required in the event of an emergency and will be destroyed by December of the following year.

Thank you for submitting your open water swim declaration form.

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